Other occasional Hams, called upon when the regulars are unavailable and some ‘farming out’ is required, include, in alphabetical order:
Roy Civil (keyboards), Colin Giles (tenor & baritone saxes), Dirk Griffin (bass guitar), Nikki Hannent (baritone sax), Mike Miles (drums), Pete Moore (bass guitar), Ellie Parker (bari sax), Chris Pettitt (tenor & bari saxes), John Porter (bass guitar), Nick Pugh (bass guitar), Ian Riley (keyboards), Rebecca Swift (bari sax) and Howard Trendell (tenor sax).
DISCLAIMER: The Band and all their deputies are extracted from the local ‘sty’ of ‘musi-chams’. All are highly intelligent, extremely clean and, of course, undeniably more equal than others!
Dirk Griffin
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